The Travelling Bag

Steve, a young boy with a thirst for adventure, finds a floating bag full of stickers from places he's always dreamed of visiting. With the help of a magical compass, he embarks on journeys through a forest filled with wild animals and a bustling city of tired people. Along the way, Steve learns and teaches important life lessons about sharing, healthy living, and kindness.

Scan to Experience the Story in AR!

English Version 🇬🇧

The Traveling Bag

The student is narrating the story while playing with the AR story:

Steve is a curious boy that lives in a small village but he loves exploring the world. One sunny morning, as Steve was playing in his backyard, he discovered a mysterious traveling bag floating. The bag was full of stickers from places Steve had dreamed of visiting.

Steve is very excited and he approaches the bag. As soon as he touches it, a note and a compass appear. The note says, “Dear Adventurer, this magical bag will take you on incredible journeys. Use it wisely and learn from every adventure.”

When he touches the compass, he starts his journey towards a forest.

At the forest, Steve met a group of animals arguing over a pile of food. The animals were friends, but they couldn’t agree on how to share the food fairly. Steve gathered the animals and told them about the importance of sharing and kindness, that his grandmother taught him. Inspired by Steve’s story, the animals decided to divide the food equally and enjoy it together. Then, Steve catches the compass to move to his next mission.

After touching the compass, Steve is transferred to a busy city where he noticed that many people looked tired and unhappy. He decided to help them. He set up a small booth in the city square and started sharing healthy tips he learnt from a book he previously read: eating fruits and vegetables, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. Slowly, the people in the city began to follow Steve’s advice. They started to feel better and became much happier and more energetic. He then touches his compass again to go back to his village.

After his adventures, Steve returned to his village with a heart full of memories and lessons learned. He shared his stories and lessons with his friends and family, teaching them about the importance of friendship, healthy living, and environmental conservation.

These lessons can inspire everyone, young and old, to make a positive impact on the world around them.

Maltese Version 🇲🇹

Il-Basket Vjaġġatur

L-istudent qed jirrakkonta l-istorja waqt li qed jilgħab bl-istorja bl-AR.

Steve huwa tifel kurjuż li jgħix ġo villaġġ żgħir imma jħobb jesplora d-dinja. Għodwa waħda, f’temp xemxi, waqt li Steve kien qed jilgħab fil-ġnien tiegħu, huwa skopra basket misterjuż li jivvjaġġa, fl-arja. Il-basket kien mimli bi stikers minn postijiet differenti li Steve kien joħlom li jżur.

Steve huwa eċitat, u huwa jersaq lejn il-basket. Malli jmissu, nota u boxxla jidhru quddiemu. In-nota taqra, “Għażiż Avventurier, dan il-basket maġiku jieħdok fuq vjaġġi inkredibbli. Użah b’intelliġenza u tgħallem minn kull avventura.”

Meta jmiss il-boxxla, huwa jibda vjaġġ lejn foresta.

Fil-foresta, Steve jiltaqa’ ma’ grupp ta’ annimali li qed jargumentaw fuq l-ikel. L-annimali kienu ħbieb imma ma setgħux jaqblu fuq kif kienu ser jaqsmu l-ikel b’mod ġust. Steve ġabar lill-annimali flimkien u spjegalhom dwar l-importanza li jaqsmu kollox flimkien, u dwar il-ġentilezza, bħal ma kienet għallmitu n-nanna tiegħu. Ispirati bl-istorja ta’ Steve, l-annimali ddeċidew li jaqsmu l-ikel b’mod ugwali u li jieklu flimkien. Imbagħad, Steve qabad il-boxxla biex imur fuq il-missjoni li jmiss.

Wara li mess il-boxxla, Steve jispiċċa f’belt mgħaġġla, u huwa induna li ħafna nies kienu jidhru għajjenin u imdejqin. Huwa ddeċieda li jgħinhom. Huwa kkrea kabina fiċ-ċentru tal-belt, u beda jgħidilhom informazzjoni dwar is-saħħa li kien tgħallem minn ktieb li kien qara, dwar il-frott u l-ħaxix, l-eżerċizzju fiżiku, u l-irqad. Bil-mod il-mod, in-nies tal-belt bdew jisimgħu mis-suġġerimenti ta’ Steve. Huma bdew iħossuhom ħafna aħjar u bdew isiru aktar kuntenti u mimlijin enerġija.

Huwa reġa’ mess il-boxxla biex jmur lura lejn il-villaġġ tiegħu.

Wara l-avventuri tiegħu, Steve mar lura lejn il-villaġġ tiegħu b’qalb mimlija memorji u lezzjonijiet ġodda li kien tgħallem. Huwa beda jaqsam l-istejjer u l-lezzjonijiet tiegħu mal-ħbieb u mal-familja, u beda jgħallimhom dwar l-importanza tal-ħbiberija, is-saħħa, u l-konservazzjoni tal-ambjent.

Dawn il-lezzjonijiet jispiraw lil kulħadd, liż-żgħar, lill-kbar, biex jħallu impatt pożittiv fuq id-dinja ta’ madwarhom.

Spanish Version 🇪🇸

The traveling bag

El estudiante está narrando la historia mientras ve e interactúa con la historia en RA:

Steve era un chico curioso que vivía en un pequeño pueblo, aunque le encantaba explorar el mundo. Una mañana soleada, mientras Steve jugaba en el patio trasero, descubrió una mochila de viaje que flotaba en el aire. La mochila estaba repleta de pegatinas de lugares a los que Steve siempre había soñado viajar.

Steve, emocionado, se acercó a la mochila. Nada más tocarla, una nota y una brújula aparecieron frente a él. En la nota se podía leer el siguiente mensaje:: “Querido aventurero, esta mochila mágica te llevará a vivir viajes increíbles. Utilízala sabiamente y aprende de cada aventura que vivas.” Cuando Steve tocó la brújula, se vio teletransportado a un viaje a través del bosque.

En el bosque, Steve conoció a un grupo de animales que discutían por una montaña de comida. Los animales habían sido amigos hasta ese entonces, pero eran incapaces de ponerse de acuerdo en como dividir la comida de manera justa. Steve reunió a los animales y logró que le escucharan. Les habló sobre la importancia de compartir y de ser amables los unos con los otro, como su abuela le había enseñado a él. Inspirados por la historia de Steve, los animales decidieron dividir la comida de manera equitativa y disfrutar de ella todos juntos. Una vez resuelto el problema, Steve volvió a coger la brújula, que le transportó a su siguiente misión.

Tras tocar la brújula, Steve volvió a teletransportarse, esta vez al medio a una ciudad bulliciosa. Notó como, a pesar del ruido a su alrededor, muchas de las personas que pasaban a su lado parecían cansadas y tristes. Es por ello por lo que decide ayudarles. Con trabajo, montó una pequeña caseta en el medio de la plaza de la ciudad, desde donde comenzó a compartir pequeños trucos y consejos para sentirse mejor que había aprendido de un libro: comer frutas y verduras, hacer ejercicio físico regularmente y dormir lo suficiente. Poco a poco, la gente de la ciudad comenzó a seguir los consejos de Steve. Empezaron a sentirse mejor, y se volvieron más felices y llenos de energía. Tras su logro, Steve tocó su brújula, que le devolvió a su pueblo.

Tras vivir estas aventuras, Steve regresó a su pueblo con el corazón lleno de memorias y lecciones que había aprendido a lo largo del viaje. Allí, decidió compartir las lecciones con sus amigos y familiares, enseñándoles a ellos también sobre la importancia de la amistad, de vivir saludablemente y de conservar el medioambiente.

Estas lecciones pueden inspirar a cualquier persona, joven o mayor, para conseguir un impacto positivo en el mundo que les rodea.

Greek Version 🇬🇷

Η ταξιδιωτική τσάντα 

Ο μαθητής αφηγείται την ιστορία ενώ παίζει με την ιστορία στο AR:

Ο Στιβ είναι ένα περίεργο αγόρι που ζει σε ένα μικρό χωριό αλλά του αρέσει να εξερευνά τον κόσμο. Ένα ηλιόλουστο πρωί, καθώς ο Στιβ έπαιζε στην αυλή του σπιτιού του, ανακάλυψε μια μυστηριώδη τσάντα ταξιδιού να επιπλέει. Η τσάντα ήταν γεμάτη αυτοκόλλητα από μέρη που είχε ονειρευτεί να επισκεφτεί ο Στιβ.

Ο Στιβ είναι πολύ ενθουσιασμένος και πλησιάζει την τσάντα. Μόλις το ακουμπήσει εμφανίζεται μια νότα και μια πυξίδα. Το σημείωμα λέει «Αγαπητέ τυχοδιώκτη, αυτή η μαγική τσάντα θα σε ταξιδέψει σε απίστευτα ταξίδια. Χρησιμοποιήστε το με σύνεση και μάθετε από κάθε περιπέτεια».

Όταν αγγίζει την πυξίδα, ξεκινά το ταξίδι του προς ένα δάσος.

Στο δάσος, ο Στιβ συνάντησε μια ομάδα ζώων που μάλωναν για ένα σωρό φαγητού. Τα ζώα ήταν φίλοι, αλλά δεν μπορούσαν να συμφωνήσουν για το πώς να μοιραστούν το φαγητό δίκαια. Ο Στιβ μάζεψε τα ζώα και τους μίλησε για τη σημασία του μοιράσματος και της καλοσύνης, που του δίδαξε η γιαγιά του. Εμπνευσμένα από την ιστορία του Στιβ, τα ζώα αποφάσισαν να μοιράσουν το φαγητό εξίσου και να το απολαύσουν μαζί. Στη συνέχεια, ο Στιβ πιάνει την πυξίδα για να προχωρήσει στην επόμενη αποστολή του.

Αφού άγγιξε την πυξίδα, ο Στιβ μεταφέρεται σε μια πολυσύχναστη πόλη όπου παρατήρησε ότι πολλοί άνθρωποι έδειχναν κουρασμένοι και δυστυχισμένοι. Αποφάσισε να τους βοηθήσει. Έφτιαξε ένα μικρό περίπτερο στην πλατεία της πόλης και άρχισε να μοιράζεται υγιεινές συμβουλές που έμαθε από ένα βιβλίο που είχε διαβάσει στο παρελθόν: να τρώει φρούτα και λαχανικά, να γυμνάζεται τακτικά και να κοιμάται αρκετά. Σιγά σιγά, οι άνθρωποι στην πόλη άρχισαν να ακολουθούν τις συμβουλές του Στιβ. Άρχισαν να αισθάνονται καλύτερα και έγιναν πολύ πιο χαρούμενοι και πιο ενεργητικοί. Στη συνέχεια αγγίζει ξανά την πυξίδα του για να επιστρέψει στο χωριό του.

Μετά τις περιπέτειές του, ο Στιβ επέστρεψε στο χωριό του με μια καρδιά γεμάτη αναμνήσεις και διδάγματα. Μοιράστηκε τις ιστορίες και τα μαθήματά του με τους φίλους και την οικογένειά του, διδάσκοντάς τους για τη σημασία της φιλίας, της υγιεινής ζωής και της διατήρησης του περιβάλλοντος.

Αυτά τα μαθήματα μπορούν να εμπνεύσουν όλους, μικρούς και μεγάλους, να έχουν θετικό αντίκτυπο στον κόσμο γύρω τους.

Turkish Version 🇹🇷

Seyahat Çantası Hikayesi Metni 

Öğrenci AR hikayesiyle oynarken hikayeyi anlatıyor:

Steve küçük bir köyde yaşayan meraklı bir çocuk ama dünyayı keşfetmeyi seviyor. Güneşli bir sabah Steve arka bahçesinde oynarken gizemli bir seyahat çantasının yüzdüğünü  keşfetti. Çanta Steve'in ziyaret etmeyi hayal ettiği yerlerin çıkartmalarıyla doluydu.

Steve çok heyecanlanıyor ve çantaya yaklaşıyor. Dokunduğu anda bir not ve pusula beliriyor. Notta şöyle yazıyor: "Sevgili Maceracı, bu büyülü çanta seni inanılmaz yolculuklara çıkaracak. Bunu akıllıca kullanın ve her maceradan ders alın”.

Pusulaya dokunduğunda bir ormana doğru yolculuğuna başlar.

Steve ormanda bir yığın yiyecek üzerinde tartışan bir grup hayvanla karşılaştı. Hayvanlar arkadaştı ama yiyeceğin nasıl adil bir şekilde paylaşılacağı konusunda anlaşamıyorlardı. Steve hayvanları topladı ve onlara büyükannesinin ona öğrettiği paylaşmanın ve nezaketin önemini anlattı. Steve'in hikayesinden ilham alan hayvanlar, yiyeceği eşit olarak bölüşmeye ve birlikte tadını çıkarmaya karar verdiler. Ardından Steve bir sonraki görevine geçmek için pusulayı yakalar.

Pusulaya dokunduktan sonra Steve kalabalık bir şehre transfer edilir ve orada birçok insanın yorgun ve mutsuz göründüğünü fark eder. Onlara yardım etmeye karar verdi. Kent meydanında küçük bir stant açarak daha önce okuduğu bir kitaptan öğrendiği sağlıklı ipuçlarını paylaşmaya başladı: Meyve ve sebze yemek, düzenli egzersiz yapmak ve yeterince uyumak. Yavaş yavaş şehirdeki insanlar Steve'in tavsiyelerine uymaya başladı. Kendilerini daha iyi hissetmeye başladılar, çok daha mutlu ve enerjik oldular. Daha sonra köyüne geri dönmek için pusulasına tekrar dokunur.

Maceralarının ardından Steve, kalbi anılarla ve öğrenilen derslerle dolu olarak köyüne döndü. Hikayelerini ve derslerini arkadaşları ve ailesiyle paylaşarak onlara dostluğun, sağlıklı yaşamın ve çevreyi korumanın önemini öğretti.

Bu dersler, genç ve yaşlı herkese, etraflarındaki dünya üzerinde olumlu bir etki yaratma konusunda ilham verebilir.


Scene 1: Discover the Bag

One sunny morning, as Steve was playing in his backyard, he discovered a mysterious traveling bag floating. The bag was full of stickers from places Steve had dreamed of visiting.

Scene 2: The Compass

Steve is very excited and he approaches the bag. As soon as he touches it, a note and a compass appear. The note says “Dear Adventurer, this magical bag will take you on incredible journeys. Use it wisely and learn from every adventure”. When he touches the compass, he starts his journey towards a forest.

Scene 3: The Forest

At the forest, Steve met a group of animals arguing over a pile of food. The animals were friends, but they couldn’t agree on how to share the food fairly. Steve gathered the animals and told them about  the importance of sharing and kindness, that his grandmother taught him: "My grandmother once told me a story about a time when our forest faced a drought. Food and water were scarce, but the animals survived by sharing what they had. The rabbits shared their carrots, the birds found berries and seeds, and even the predators protected the weakest. Her lesson was simple: when we share and show kindness, we all thrive.” Inspired by Steve’s story, the animals decided to divide the food equally and enjoy it together. Then, Steve catches the compass to move to his next mission.

Scene 4: The City of Health

After touching the compass, Steve is transferred to a busy city where he noticed that many people looked tired and unhappy. He decided to help them. He set up a small booth in the city square and started sharing healthy tips he learnt from a book he previously read: eating fruits and vegetables, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. Slowly, the people in the city began to follow Steve’s advice. They started to feel better and became much happier and more energetic. He then touches his compass again to go back to his village.

Scene 5: Back to Village

After his adventures, Steve returned to his village with a heart full of memories and lessons learned. He shared his stories and lessons with his friends and family, teaching them about the importance of friendship, healthy living, and environmental conservation. These lessons can inspire everyone, young and old, to make a positive impact on the world around them.


Here are a couple of the resources used to create the AR experience for The Enigmatic Stone. These include 3D models, textures, and animations sourced from Sketchfab, Microsoft Paint 3D Library, and other tools.

Complete List of Resources ➔

Boy Character


Traveling Bag
