Solving Mysteries

This thrilling adventure takes you into the world of Sherlock Holmes, where you'll explore his house alongside Minnie (the mouse) and Jack (the fox). Together, you'll need to find hidden keys, solve puzzles, and interact with various objects to unlock the mysteries within Sherlock Holmes' study, kitchen, and private room.

Scan to Experience the Story in AR!

English Version

Read the full story in English!

This story is made up of 4 scenes in which the students get to know Sherlock Holmes' house. It starts from the outside, where the students have to find the key to enter the house, and then they have to explore different rooms of the house, like Sherlock's study, kitchen and his private room, until they manage to get out again.

Spanish Version

Leer la historia completa en Español!

Esta historia se compone por 4 escenas, donde los alumnos conocerán la casa de Sherlock Holmes. Se empezará desde el exterior, donde los alumnos deberán encontrar la llave para entrar a la casa, y tras ello deberán explorar varias habitaciones de la misma, el estudio de Sherlock, la cocina y su salón privado, hasta lograr salir de nuevo.


Scene 1: Sherlock Holmes' House

The scene takes place in a field where we find the house of Sherlock Holmes. We will also meet Minnie (the mouse) and Jack (the fox), who will accompany us on this adventure. In this scene, they will have to find a way to enter the house.

Instructional Cues:

Users will be able to talk to each of the characters and interact with the environment., The key of the house can be found under the rock near the house.

Scene 2: Sherlock Holmes' Studio

The scene takes place in Sherlock Holmes' study, which is completely untidy. The door through which they entered has closed, so they must continue through the house until they reach the exit. 

Instrucional Cues:

Users can interact with the characters and furniture to learn their names. The cookbook on the table gives them a clue to go to the next room (the kitchen), using the door at the back of the room.

Scene 3: Sherlock Holmes' Kitchen

In the kitchen, Minnie and Jack must find the key that opens the next room. They will be able to interact with the furniture in the room to get to know it.

Instructional Cues

Users can interact with the objects in the scene. They must find the key inside the cauldron.

Scene 4: Sherlock Holmes' Private Room

In Sherlock Holmes' private room, you must find the last key that will allow you to leave the house. You will be able to interact with objects and characters until you find the key.

Instructional Cues

Users will be able to interact with each of the elements in the room. They need to find the key behind the painting above the piano.


Here are a couple of the resources used to create the AR experience for The Enigmatic Stone. These include 3D models, textures, and animations sourced from Sketchfab, Microsoft Paint 3D Library, and other tools.

Complete List of Resources ➔

Sherlock Holmes' House

Jack (Animated)

Fireplace Scene

Old Cook Book