The Monkey and the Shark

This thrilling adventure takes you into the world of Sherlock Holmes, where you'll explore his house alongside Minnie (the mouse) and Jack (the fox). Together, you'll need to find hidden keys, solve puzzles, and interact with various objects to unlock the mysteries within Sherlock Holmes' study, kitchen, and private room.

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English Version 🇬🇧

Trust Between Friends [A Moral from the Monkey and the Shark]

Alex and James are two friends from school, at the age of 12 years old.

The story begins in Alex's house, where the two friends talk. Alex wants to show James a secret spot he found in the forest, but doesn’t tell him that he needs help with something risky. Alex says to James, “Let's check out a beautiful secret spot I found in the woods!”. James follows Alex into the forest.

When they arrive at the secret spot, Alex says to James, “I brought you here because I heard some strange noises in the woods last night. I wanted to check it out, but I was scared to come alone.”. When they arrive, they see dangerous wild animals in the woods.

James says, “I don’t want to be here. It's too risky and I don’t trust you anymore. It is better to go back and inform the forest ranger." Alex responds, "You’re right. It’s better to be safe. I am sorry I lied to you, I will not do it again.”

James says, “Next time, tell me the truth from the beginning. This could have been really dangerous, and it is important to be honest with your friends.” The two friends leave the forest.

Moral conclusion:

A message about the importance of trust and honesty among friends. Helping friends is important, but honesty is important and safety comes first.

Maltese Version 🇲🇹

Fiduċja bejn il-Ħbieb (Storja morali minn xadina u kelb-il-baħar)

Alex u James huma żewġt’ iħbieb mill-iskola, fl-età ta’ tnax-il sena.

L-istorja tibda fid-dar ta’ Alex, fejn il-ħbieb qed jitkellmu. Alex irid juri lil James post sigriet li kien sab fil-foresta, imma ma jridx jgħidlu li hu għandu bżonn l-għajnuna b’xi ħaġa perikoluża. Alex qal lil James, “Ejja immorru naraw dan il-post sabiħ u sigriet li sibt fil-foresta!” James isegwi lil Alex ġol-foresta.

Meta jaslu fil-post sigriet, Alex jgħid lil James, “Ġibtek hawn għax jiena smajt ħafna ħsejjes strambi fil-foresta lbieraħ filgħaxija. Xtaqt nara x’kienu, imma kont qed nibża’ niġi waħdi.” Meta jaslu, jaraw ħafna annimali perikolużi fil-foresta.

James jgħid, “Ma rridx noqgħod hawn. Huwa wisq perikoluż u mhux ħa nafdak aktar. Aħjar immorru lura u navżaw lill-gwardjan tal-foresta.” Alex jirrispondi, “Għandek raġun. Aħjar inkunu siguri. Skużani talli gdibtlek. Mhux ser nerġa’ nagħmilha.”

James jgħid, “Darba oħra għidli l-verità mill-ewwel. Din setgħet tkun perikoluża ħafna u huwa importanti ħafna li tkun onest mal-ħbieb.” Il-ħbieb jitilqu mill-foresta.

Il-moral tal-istorja:

Messaġġ dwar l-importanza tal-fiduċja u onesta bejn il-ħbieb. Huwa importanti li tgħin lill-ħbieb, imma l-onesta hija importanti u s-sigurtà tiġi l-ewwel.

Spanish Version 🇪🇸

Trust between Friends [Moraleja extraída del cuento “El mono y el tiburón”]

Alex y James son dos amigos del colegio, ambos de 12 años.

La historia comienza en la casa de Alex, donde ambos amigos charlan. Alex quiere enseñarle a James un lugar secreto que ha encontrado en el medio del bosque, pero decide no contarle que necesita que le ayude con algo peligroso una vez lleguen allí. Alex le dice a James “¡Vamos a investigar ese precioso lugar secreto que encontré en el bosque!”. Sin dudarlo, James sigue a Alex al bosque.

Cuando llegan al lugar secreto, Alex le dice a James “Te he traído conmigo aquí porque anoche escuche unos ruidos extraños en el bosque. Quería venir a investigarlo, pero estaba demasiado asustado para venir yo solo”. Una vez ambos llegan al claro del bosque, ven animales peligrosos entre los árboles del bosque.

James dice “No quiero estar aquí. Es demasiado peligroso y ya no confío más en ti. Es mejor que volvamos e informemos al guardabosque.” Alex responde “Tienes toda la razón. Es mejor que no corramos peligro y estemos seguros. Siento mucho haberte mentido, no lo volveré a hacer.”

James dice “La próxima vez, cuéntame toda la verdad desde el principio. Esto podría haber sido muy peligroso, y es muy importante ser sincero y honesto con tus amigos.” Ambos niños salen del bosque dejándolo atrás.


Un mensaje sobre la importancia de la confianza y ser sinceros entre amigos. Ayudar a los amigos es importante, pero ser sinceros y estar seguros es lo primero.

Greek Version 🇬🇷

Εμπιστοσύνη μεταξύ φίλων [Ένα ηθικό δίδαγμα από την μαϊμού και τον καρχαρία]

Ο Άλεξ και ο Τζέιμς είναι δύο φίλοι από το σχολείο, σε ηλικία 12 ετών.

Η ιστορία ξεκινά στο σπίτι του Άλεξ, όπου οι δύο φίλοι συζητούν. Ο Άλεξ θέλει να δείξει στον Τζέιμς ένα μυστικό σημείο που βρήκε στο δάσος, αλλά δεν του λέει ότι χρειάζεται βοήθεια σε κάτι επικίνδυνο. Ο Άλεξ λέει στον Τζέιμς «Ας δούμε ένα όμορφο μυστικό σημείο που βρήκα στο δάσος!».  Ο Τζέιμς ακολουθεί τον Άλεξ στο δάσος.

Όταν φτάνουν στο μυστικό σημείο, ο Άλεξ λέει στον Τζέιμς «Σε έφερα εδώ γιατί άκουσα μερικούς περίεργους θορύβους στο δάσος χθες το βράδυ. Ήθελα να το τσεκάρω, αλλά φοβόμουν να έρθω μόνος μου». Όταν φτάνουν, βλέπουν επικίνδυνα άγρια ​​ζώα στο δάσος.  

Ο Τζέιμς λέει «Δεν θέλω να είμαι εδώ. Είναι πολύ ριψοκίνδυνο και δεν σε εμπιστεύομαι πια. Είναι καλύτερα να επιστρέψετε και να ενημερώσετε τον δασοφύλακα.» Ο Άλεξ απαντά «Έχετε δίκιο. Είναι καλύτερα να είσαι ασφαλής. Λυπάμαι που σου είπα ψέματα, δεν θα το ξανακάνω».

Ο Τζέιμς λέει «Την επόμενη φορά, πες μου την αλήθεια από την αρχή. Αυτό θα μπορούσε να ήταν πραγματικά επικίνδυνο και είναι σημαντικό να είσαι ειλικρινής με τους φίλους σου». Οι δύο φίλοι φεύγουν από το δάσος. 

Ηθικό συμπέρασμα: 

Ένα μήνυμα για τη σημασία της εμπιστοσύνης και της ειλικρίνειας μεταξύ των φίλων. Το να βοηθάς φίλους είναι σημαντικό, αλλά η ειλικρίνεια είναι σημαντική και η ασφάλεια προέχει.

Turkish Version 🇹🇷

Arkadaşlar arasında güven [Maymun ve köpekbalığından bir ahlak]

Alex ve James, 12 yaşında, okuldan iki arkadaştır.

Hikaye, iki arkadaşın konuştuğu Alex'in evinde başlıyor. Alex, James'e ormanda bulduğu gizli bir yeri göstermek ister ancak ona riskli bir konuda yardıma ihtiyacı olduğunu söylemez. Alex, James'e "Ormanda bulduğum güzel bir gizli noktaya bakalım!" diyor.  James, Alex'i ormana doğru takip eder.

Gizli noktaya vardıklarında Alex, James'e şöyle der: "Seni buraya getirdim çünkü dün gece ormanda bazı tuhaf sesler duydum. Kontrol etmek istedim ama yalnız gelmeye korktum.”. Geldiklerinde ormanda tehlikeli vahşi hayvanlar görürler. 

James “Burada olmak istemiyorum. Bu çok riskli ve artık sana güvenmiyorum. Geri dönüp  orman bekçisine bilgi vermek daha iyi olur." Alex şöyle yanıt verir: "Haklısın. Güvende olmak daha iyi. Sana yalan söylediğim için özür dilerim, bir daha yapmayacağım” dedi.

James şöyle diyor: “Bir dahaki sefere bana gerçeği en baştan anlat. Bu gerçekten tehlikeli olabilirdi ve arkadaşlarınıza karşı dürüst olmanız çok önemli.” İki arkadaş ormandan ayrılır. 

Ahlaki sonuç:

Arkadaşlar arasında güven ve dürüstlüğün önemi hakkında bir mesaj. Arkadaşlara yardım etmek önemlidir, ancak dürüstlük de önemlidir  ve güvenlik her şeyden önce gelir.


Scene 1: Introduction

Visual: A vibrant beach landscape with a tree and the ocean.

Narration: "A monkey lived in a tree on a beautiful beach. The monkey liked talking to the fish."

AR Interaction: Children can tap on different objects (tree, fish, beach) to hear and learn their names and sounds.

Scene 2: Meeting the Shark

Visual: The monkey in the tree, the shark swimming nearby.

Narration: "Her best friend was a shark. Every evening, the shark visited the monkey." 

AR Interaction: Children can tap on the shark to make it swim to the tree, initiating a conversation between the monkey and the shark.

Scene 3: Talking about Food

Visual: The monkey and the shark are talking. 

Narration: "The monkey and the shark talked about life in the trees and life in the sea. The shark always wanted to talk about food." 

AR Interaction: Pop-up cards with pictures of different foods. Children can match the words with the pictures.

Scene 4: The Shark's Plan

Visual: The shark with a thought bubble showing palm hearts. Narration: "One day, the monkey said she liked delicious palm hearts. 'They are very tasty!' said the monkey, rubbing her stomach." 

AR Interaction: Children can tap on the thought bubble to see an animation of the monkey eating palm hearts, highlighting the word "tasty."

Scene 5: The Invitation

Visual: The shark invites the monkey to her home.

Narration: "A few days later, the shark said, 'Hey, monkey! My wife has some delicious palm hearts, and she's cooking dinner for us.'" 

AR Interaction: Children can swipe to move the characters closer together. They can also hear phrases like "Let's go" and "I can't swim" with visual cues

Scene 6: The Ride on the Shark's Back

Visual: The monkey rides on the shark's back, traveling through the water. 

Narration: "'Don't worry!' said the shark. 'You can sit on my back. Everything will be fine.' The monkey agreed, and together they went into the sea." 

AR Interaction: Children can choose the direction to navigate the monkey and the shark in the sea, learning directional words (left, right, up, down).

Scene 7: The Truth Revealed

Visual: The shark talks to the monkey in the middle of the ocean. 

Narration: "After a while, the shark said, 'You know, monkey... my friend... there's something you should know. You see, my wife is sick. There's only one thing that can cure her.'" 

AR Interaction: Tap on the shark to reveal the next part of the conversation.

Scene 8: The Monkey's Clever Plan

Visual: The monkey looks thoughtful. Narration: "'What is it?' asked the monkey. 'She must eat a monkey's heart!' said the shark." 

AR Interaction: Children can choose the monkey's response from several options, fostering understanding and decision-making.

Scene 9: Returning to the Tree

Visual: The shark turns around, heading back to the beach. 

Narration: "The monkey didn't like this idea and was scared, but said, 'Okay! Of course, my friend. You can take my heart, but there's a problem. My heart is at home. We need to go back to my tree to get it.'"

AR Interaction: Direct the shark back to the beach, reinforcing the words "home" and "tree."


Here is a full list of resources used to create the AR experience for The Monkey and the Shark. These include 3D models, textures, and animations sourced from Sketchfab, Microsoft Paint 3D Library, and other tools.

Complete List of Resources ➔