The Underwater Chapel of 

Saint Dimitri

Zgugina, a widow living in a small coastal village, is devastated when pirates invade the chapel of Saint Dimitri and later kidnap her son, Matthew. Desperate and heartbroken, Zgugina prays before the painting of Saint Dimitri, begging for his help. Miraculously, Saint Dimitri appears, riding his horse over the waves, to rescue Matthew from the pirates and return him safely to his mother.

Scan to Experience the Story in AR!

English Version

Read the full story in English!

Story - The Underwater Chapel of Saint Dimitri.pdf


Scene 1: The Pirate Ship

The story starts as the Pirate ship docks at a pier, the pirates are disembarking, and they spot a church upon a hill, and they run to it to loot it. 

Instructional Cues

Users can click on the Pirate who spots the church in the distance and instructs the other pirates to follow him to the church.

Scene 2: The Church

The scene takes place inside the Church which the pirates have broken into. The painting of Saint Demetrius is hung up behind the altar. The pirates are stealing whatever they can get their hands on, but they realize that the painting is just out of reach and they have to leave it behind. 

Instructional Cues

In this scene, users can interact with the items around the room such as the bag on the altar, in order to take it, the user can also interact with the painting, this leads to the pirate revealing that it is too high and that they are leaving it behind.

Scene 3: The Bedroom Part 1

This scene takes place inside the house of Zgugina, where she is seen in her son’s bedroom, where her son is asleep in bed. She was about to wake up her son, when she saw the pirates in the distance from the window. 

Instructional Cues

Users can interact with characters in this scene, which will trigger the next one.

Scene 4: The Bedroom Part 2

The scene occurs in the bedroom, with the pirate now in the bedroom and with Matthew on his shoulder as he is kidnapping him and Zgugina is begging to have him returned to her. 

Instructional Cues

Users can interact with the characters in the scene to trigger the next scene.

Scene 5: The Church

The scene takes us back into the church with Zgugina praying before the Painting of Saint Demetrius. She promises that she will keep his candles lit if he returns Matthew to her. Zgugina faints as a figure is seen emerging from the painting. 

Instructional Cues

Users can interact with the character to see her promise, interacting with her further sees her fainting and the figure emerging from the painting.

Scene 6: The Ship

The scene takes the user to the ship which has now sailed off with Matthew onboard yelling for help. St. Demetrius then appears, mounted on his horse, running on the sea, he saves Matthew and runs back towards the land. 

Instructional Cues

Users can interact with the characters in the scene to rescue Matthew, and help Saint Demetrius.

Scene 7: The Church

The scene takes us back into the church with Zgugina and Matthew is retelling her the story of how he was saved by a man who was riding a horse, he thought that it looked like St. Demetrius but he could not be certain that it was him. 


Here are a couple of the resources used to create the AR experience for The Enigmatic Stone. These include 3D models, textures, and animations sourced from Sketchfab, Microsoft Paint 3D Library, and other tools.

Complete List of Resources ➔

Pirate Ship


Money Bag

Old Woman