The Underwater Chapel of
Saint Dimitri
Zgugina, a widow living in a small coastal village, is devastated when pirates invade the chapel of Saint Dimitri and later kidnap her son, Matthew. Desperate and heartbroken, Zgugina prays before the painting of Saint Dimitri, begging for his help. Miraculously, Saint Dimitri appears, riding his horse over the waves, to rescue Matthew from the pirates and return him safely to his mother.
English Version 🇬🇧
The Underwater Chapel of Saint Demetrius
It is said that once upon a time, very early one morning, a large ship with a flag bearing a half moon docked in the port.
A lot of Turkish men disembarked, and they ran up to the tiny church at the top of the hill, the chapel of Saint Demetrius.
Those areas were only inhabited by 4 families of fishermen. That chapel was a great solace to them.
No one saw the Pirates approaching. Once they crested the hill, they kicked in the door to the church and they began to steal everything they could see in front of them.
By a stroke of luck, the painting of Saint Demetrius was hung up way too high for them to reach and so they left it there. In the painting, Saint Demetrius was sitting atop a beautiful horse and with his sword in his hands.
After they had taken everything they wanted, they broke all the rest and got ready to go back to the ship.
“There’s nothing left to take from here.” One of them said. “Look at that small house! Why don’t we go there and see what we can find?”
His friends didn’t say no, so together they made their way towards the house in the distance.
In that small house lived a widow called Zgugina, and her son Matthew. She loved Matthew and doted on him.
That morning when the Pirates were invading the church, Zgugina was on her way to wake up Matthew. From the open window in his room, she spotted the Pirates getting closer and closer to the house. There were 5 of them, they were approaching fast and they were armed to the teeth.
When she spotted them, she began to shake. She was frozen in place and did not know what to do. She wanted to rush to the door to lock it, but her legs would not allow it.
The Pirates reached her door and gave it two swift kicks and it got bashed in. They found Zgugina and her son, huddled together in fear. Zgugina had wrapped herself around Matthew tightly, holding him close to her. The Pirates began to laugh at her. One of them snatched Matthew away from her angrily and pulled him towards him.
One of the pirates who was waiting outside began to yell. One of them ran out to see what was happening. He came back inside yelling and pointing towards the beach.
The man who had snatched Matthew towards him, threw him over his shoulders and they took off running down towards their ship.
Zgugina ran out after them, yelling and screaming, “Matthew! Matthew! Where are you taking my Matthew? Give me back my Matthew!”
The Pirates laughed at her and were taunting her, daring them to catch them. But Zgugina was old, and as she was running down the hill she tripped and fell down on her face.
She remained there, staring after them as they ran off. She stared at the ship still moored in the distance and watched them load Matthew up into the ship.
She watched as the ship raised its anchor, watched the oars cutting through the water like the sharpest of blades, watched the sails open and fill with air, and felt blood rushing to her head.
As the shakes spread all through her body, she collapsed onto the floor once more, sobbing and yelling. Then she remembered Saint Demetrius, and she ran as fast as she could towards the church.
She got to the church, on shaking legs, and she threw herself onto her knees before the painting of Saint Demetrius, in front of the altar.
“Saint Demetrius” she pleaded, “help me in my time of need. Help me get my son back and I swear to you that there will not be a day where you do not have candles set up before you, until the day I die.”
Zgugina prayed and prayed. Her eyes began to shed tears, she began to see everything moving.
She thought she saw Saint Demetrius emerge from the painting itself, still riding atop his horse.
She saw him passing by her and going out the door, she saw him steering the horse towards the ship. That’s when she began to feel her head spinning and she fainted.
When she came to her senses, she saw Matthew by her side, she hugged him tightly to her, a hug filled with a mother’s love.
She then turned her gaze towards the altar. The painting was still there, nothing had changed.
What had just happened?
Matthew told her, “When the ship had already drifted far, the Pirates began to point at something which was approaching them on the sea. I looked in that direction. I spotted a horse, white as snow, running on top of the waves, the rider had a sword in his hand. I thought it looked exactly like Saint Demetrius. Someone pulled me back and I could not see anything else apart from the pirates, running from side to side frantically. They were very confused.
Then I felt someone grab me and they pulled me atop the horse on my stomach. I was facing the ground and I could not see the rider, but I felt like it was Saint Demetrius himself.
Then he steered the horse back towards the shore and the horse began to gallop through the water. When we were back on land, they brought me here.”
Zgugina looked at the painting. She looked up at the sky and from the bottom of her heart, she uttered one phrase. “Thank you.”
And she kept her promise. As long as she was alive, she never forgot to light the candles in front of Saint Demetrius’s painting.
Maltese Version 🇲🇹
Il-Kappella ta’ San Dimitri
Darba waħda, kmieni filgħodu, ankrat fil-port kien hemm vapur enormi b’bandiera b’nofs qamar fuqha. Ħafna rġiel Torok niżlu minn fuq il-bastiment u ġrew lejn kappella ċkejkna li kien hemm fuq l-għolja: il-kappella ta’ San Dimitri.
F’dawk l-inħawi kienu jgħixu biss erba’ familji, kollha sajjieda. Dik il-kappella kienet ta’ wens kbir għalihom. Ħadd ma ra l-pirati telgħin. Meta waslu fuq l-għolja, kissru l-bieb tal-knisja b’daqqa ta’ sieq, daħlu u bdew jisirqu kulma raw quddiem għajnejhom.
B’xorti tajba, il-pittura ta’ San Dimitri kienet imdendla wisq fil-għoli tant li ma setgħux jilħquha; kellhom iħalluha hemm. Il-pittura kienet turi lil San Dimitri riekeb żiemel mill-isbaħ, b’xabla kbira f’idu.
Wara li ħadu kulma riedu, it-Torok kissru dak li kien jifdal mill-kappella u bdew jippreparaw biex jirritornaw lejn il-vapur.
“M’għad baqa’ xejn x’nieħdu minn hawn,” qal wieħed minnhom. “Ħarsu ’l hemmhekk, hemm dar żgħira! Għaliex ma mmorrux hemm u naraw x’nistgħu ndabbru minnha?”
Sħabu ma qalux le, allura telqu jiġru lejn dik id-dar iż-żgħira.
F’dik id-dar kienet tgħix Żgugina u t-tifel tagħha, Mattew. Mattew kien il-mimmi t’għajnejha daqskemm kienet tħobbu.
Dik il-għodwa, waqt li l-pirati kienu qed jagħmlu ħerba mill-kappella, Żgugina kienet sejra tqajjem lil Mattew. Ħin bla waqt, mit-tieqa miftuħa tal-kamra tas-sodda tiegħu hija lemħet lill-pirati: ħamest irġiel li kienu qed joqorbu lejn darhom, armati sa snienhom.
Hekk kif rathom, hija bdiet tirtogħod u ma felħitx titħarrek. Ma kinitx taf x’ser taqbad tagħmel. Riedet tmur tiġri ssakkar, imma saqajha ma tawhiex.
Il-pirati waslu fuq l-għatba ta’ darhom, u b’żewġ daqqiet ta’ sieq faqgħu l-bieb ta’ barra. Huma sabu lil Żgugina u lil binha mgħannqin ma’ xulxin bil-biża’. Żgugina kienet geżwret lil binha f’idejha, u bdiet trossu magħha. Il-pirati qabdu jgħadduha minn għajn il-labra, sakemm wieħed minnhom ħataf lil Mattew minn idejha b’rabja liema bħalha, u ġibdu lejh.
Wieħed mill-pirati li kien qed jistenniehom barra qabad jgħajjat. Ieħor minn ta’ ġewwa ħareġ ħdejh biex jara x’kien inqala’. Iżda dan f’ħakka t’għajn daħal ġewwa, u hu wkoll inxteħet jgħajjat u jipponta lejn il-bajja. Ir-raġel li kien ħataf lil Mattew tefgħu fuq spalltu u lkoll telqu jiġru lejn il-vapur.
Żgugina ħarġet tiġri għal warajhom, tgħajjat u twerżaq, “Mattew! Mattew! Fejn ser tiħduh lil Mattew? Agħtuhuli lura!”
Il-pirati ddieħku biha u nkewha, tant li bdew jisfidawha biex taqbadhom. Imma Żgugina kienet mara xiħa, u hekk kif tat is-salt biex tiġri kemm tiflaħ warajhom, hija żelqet, u spiċċat waqgħet għal wiċċha. Ippruvat tqum minn mal-art, iżda kollu ta’ xejn.
Infaqgħet tibki xħin rathom jiġru lejn il-vapur li kien għadu ankrat fil-port, u jixħtu lil Mattew fuqu. Rat il-vapur itella’ l-ankri. Il-moqdief kien donnu sikkina taqta’ l-ilma. Rat il-qlugħ jinfetħu u jimtlew bir-riħ. Ħasset demmha tiela’ għal rasha u bdiet tistordi. Ġisimha beda jirtogħod, u reġgħet waqgħet mal-art, tolfoq u twerżaq.
Imbagħad ftakret f’San Dimitri u ġriet kemm felħet lejn il-kappella. Daħlet fiha fuq saqajn dgħajfa, u ntefgħet għarkopptejha quddiem il-pittura ta’ San Dimitri, quddiem l-artal.
“San Dimitri,” bdiet titlob, “Għinni f’dan il-ħin ta’ bżonn. Għinni nġib lura lil ibni u nwiegħdek li, sa ma mmut, ma tgħaddix ġurnata oħra li ma jkollokx ix-xemgħat mixgħulin quddiemek.”
Żgugina talbet u bkiet. Id-dmugħ beda jġelben minn għajnejha u l-kamra bdiet iddur biha. Hija ħasbet li rat lil San Dimitri ħiereġ mill-pittura, riekeb fuq iż-żiemel.
Ratu għaddej minn ħdejha, u ħiereġ mill-bieb. Ratu jidderieġi liż-żiemel lejn il-vapur. Rasha bdiet tuġagħha u bdiet tistordi, sakemm ħassha ħażin.
Meta reġgħet ġiet f’sensiha, rat lil Mattew ħdejha u għannqitu tgħanniqa mimlija bi mħabba ta’ omm.
Hija daret lura lejn l-artal. Il-pittura kienet għadha hemm, xejn ma kien inbidel.
X’kien għadu kemm ġara?
Mattew qalilha, “Meta l-vapur kien ħiereġ ’il barra mill-port, il-pirati bdew jippuntaw subgħajhom lejn xi ħaġa li kienet riesqa lejna fuq il-baħar. Jiena ħarist lejn fejn kienu qed jippuntaw. Rajt żiemel abjad daqs il-borra jiġri fuq il-mewġ. Ir-rikkieb kellu xabla f’idejh. Minnufih jiena xebbahtu ma’ San Dimitri. Ħassejt lil xi ħadd jiġbidni lura u ma stajt nara xejn iktar ħlief lill-pirati, jiġru minn naħa għal oħra b’ġenn kbir fuqhom. Kienu jidhru konfużi.
Imbagħad ħassejt lil xi ħadd itellagħni fuq żiemel. Kont mimdud fuq żaqqi, rasi ’l isfel tħares lejn l-art, u ma stajtx nara min kien ir-rikkieb taż-żiemel. Imma ħassejtni protett; ħassejtni qisni kont fi ħdan San Dimitri. Imbagħad huwa dderieġa liż-żiemel lura lejn l-art u dan qabad triqtu fuq il-baħar. Meta missejna l-art, ġabni hawn.”
Żgugina ħarset lejn il-pittura. Imbagħad dawret wiċċha lejn is-sema u minn qiegħ qalbha qalet kelma waħda biss, “Grazzi!”
Hija żammet il-wegħda tagħha. Tul ħajjitha kollha qatt ma nsiet tixgħel ix-xemgħat quddiem il-pittura ta’ San Dimitri.
Spanish Version 🇪🇸
The underwater chapel of Saint Demetrius
Érase una vez, una mañana muy temprano, un gran barco de madera con una media luna estampada en su bandera atracó en el puerto de una pequeña isla. Una gran turba de turcos bajó del barco, y sin perder tiempo se dirigieron corriendo hacia la pequeña iglesia que se encontraba en la colina, la capilla de San Demetrio.
En esa área solo vivían cuatro familias de pescadores. Aquella capilla servía de consuelo y refugio para todos ellos.
Nadie vio a los piratas acercarse. Una vez llegaron a la cima de la colina, tiraron la puerta de la capilla abajo, y comenzaron a robar todo lo que pudieron encontrar frente a ellos.
En un golpe de suerte, la pintura de San Demetrio estaba colgada tan alto en la capilla que los piratas no tuvieron más remedio que dejarla allí. En la pintura, San Demetrio estaba lomos de un precioso caballo blanco con una espada en su mano.
Tras haber cogido todo lo que les llamó la atención, destruyeron el resto de las pertenencias y se prepararon para volver al barco.
“Aquí ya no queda nada más que podamos coger” dijo uno de ellos. “¡Mirad esa pequeña casa! ¿Por qué no entramos y vemos qué podemos conseguir?”. Ninguno pareció oponerse, así que todos juntos se dirigieron hacia la casa.
En esta pequeña casa vivía una viuda llamada Zgugina, y su hijo Matthew. Ella amaba y adoraba a Matthew sobre todo lo demás. La mañana en la que los piratas invadieron la iglesia, Zgugina estaba a punto de despertar a su hijo. Desde la ventana abierta de su habitación, ella pudo ver cómo se acercaban los piratas a la casa. Había 5 de ellos, y todos se acercaban rápido y armados hasta los dientes.
En cuanto los vio, comenzó a temblar. Se quedó paralizada en el sitio y no sabía cómo reaccionar. Quiso acercarse a la puerta y cerrarla desde dentro, pero sus piernas le fallaron.
Los piratas llegaron a la puerta, y con dos golpes consiguieron entrar. Encontraron enseguida a Zgugina y a su hijo, abrazados con terror. Zgugina había envuelto Matthew utilizando su propio cuerpo, protegiéndole. Los piratas se rieron de ella. Uno de ellos cogió a Matthew y lo apartó de ella con ira. Uno de los piratas que había estado vigilando fuera comenzó a gritar. El resto decidió ver qué pasaba. Pronto empezaron apuntar hacia la playa, gritando.
El hombre que había arrancado a Matthew de las manos de su madre, lo cargó a sus hombros y salió corriendo hacia el barco. Zgugina corrió tras ellos gritando, “¡Matthew! ¡Matthew! ¿A dónde te llevan, Matthew? ¡Devolvedme a mi Matthew!”.
Los piratas se rieron de ella, bromeando mientras gritaban que les diese caza. Pero Zgugina era mayor, y mientras corría colina abajo tropezó, cayendo sobre su rostro.
Se quedó allí, mirando cómo los piratas huían. Observó cómo subían a Matthew al barco, aun atracado en la distancia, con el resto de los objetos robados. Vio al barco levar el ancla y alejarse del puerto, cómo los remos parecían cortar el agua como la más afilada de las espadas, vio cómo las velas se abrían al viento, y sintió cómo la sangre se le subía a la cabeza.
Mientras su cuerpo comenzaba a temblar, no fue capaz de mantenerse de pie y cayó al suelo, llorando y gritando. En su momento más vulnerable recordó a San Demetrio, y corrió hacia la capilla tan rápido como pudo.
Cuando llegó, con sus piernas temblando, se tiró de rodillas bajo la pintura de San Demetrio, frente al altar. “San Demetrio” suplicó “ayúdame en mi tiempo de necesidad. Ayúdame a recuperar a mi hijo, y juro ante ti que no habrá día en el que en esta capilla no se enciendan las velas por ti, hasta el día en el que yo me muera”.
Zgugina rezó y rezó. Sus ojos no dejaban de llorar y pareció ver como algo se movía. Creyó ver como San Demetrio salía de la pintura, sin dejar de cabalgar su caballo. Le pareció ver cómo pasaba junto a ella, en dirección a la puerta. Pareció verle dirigir al caballo hacia el barco. En ese momento sintió como su cabeza no dejaba de dar vueltas, y se desmayó.
Cuando despertó, vio a Matthew a su lado, y no tardó en abrazarlo fuertemente, un abrazo lleno de amor maternal. Solo entonces se volvió hacia el altar. La pintura seguía allí. Nada había cambiado. ¿Qué acababa de pasar entonces?
Matthew le contó ”Cuando el barco ya estaba en alta mar, los piratas comenzaron a apuntar hacia algo que se acercaba a ellos en el agua. Miré en aquella dirección, y vi como un caballo, blanco como la nieve, cabalgaba sobre las olas y cuyo jinete tenía una espada en su mano. Pensé que era igualito a San Demetrio. Alguien me empujó hacia atrás y no pude ver nada más, aparte de los piratas corriendo despavoridos de un lado a otro de la quilla. Estaban muy confundidos.
Entonces sentí como alguien me agarraba y me subía al lomo del caballo, sobre mi pecho. Estaba cara al suelo y no podía ver al jinete, pero sentí que era el propio San Demetrio. Dirigió el caballo hacia la costa, y el caballo galopó sobre el agua. Una vez en tierra, me trajo aquí.”
Zgugina miró a la pintura. Dirigió después su mirada hacia el cielo y, desde el fondo de su corazón, solo pudo entonar una frase. “Gracias”.
Y Zgugina cumplió su promesa. Nunca olvidó encender las velas frente a la pintura de San Demetrio mientras estuvo viva.
Greek Version 🇬🇷
Το υποβρύχιο παρεκκλήσι του Αγίου Δημητρίου
Λέγεται ότι μια φορά κι έναν καιρό, πολύ νωρίς ένα πρωί, ένα μεγάλο πλοίο με μια
σημαία που έφερε ένα μισοφέγγαρο έδεσε στο λιμάνι.
Αποβιβάστηκαν πολλοί Τούρκοι άνδρες και έτρεξαν μέχρι τη μικρή εκκλησία στην
κορυφή του λόφου, το εκκλησάκι του Αγίου Δημητρίου.
Εκείνες οι περιοχές κατοικούνταν μόνο από 4 οικογένειες ψαράδων. Αυτό το εκκλησάκι
ήταν μεγάλη παρηγοριά γι' αυτούς.
Κανείς δεν είδε τους πειρατές να πλησιάζουν. Μόλις ανέβηκαν στο λόφο κλώτσησαν την πόρτα της εκκλησίας και άρχισαν να κλέβουν ό,τι έβρισκαν μπροστά τους.
Κατά τύχη, ο πίνακας του Αγίου Δημητρίου ήταν κρεμασμένος πάρα πολύ ψηλά για να τον φτάσουν και έτσι τον άφησαν εκεί. Στον πίνακα, ο Άγιος Δημήτριος καθόταν πάνω σε ένα όμορφο άλογο κρατώντας ένα σπαθί στα χέρια του.
Αφού πήραν ό,τι ήθελαν, έσπασαν όλα τα υπόλοιπα γύρω τους και ετοιμάστηκαν να επιστρέψουν στο πλοίο.
«Δεν έμεινε τίποτα για να πάρουμε από εδώ». Είπε ένας από αυτούς. «Κοιτάξτε αυτό
μικρό σπίτι! Γιατί δεν πάμε εκεί να δούμε τι μπορούμε να βρούμε;»
Οι φίλοι του δεν είπαν όχι, έτσι μαζί πήραν το δρόμο τους προς το
σπίτι στο βάθος.
Σε εκείνο το μικρό σπίτι ζούσε μια χήρα που ονομαζόταν Ζγκουγκίνα και ο γιος της Ματθαίος.
Η Ζγκουγκίνα αγαπούσε τον Ματθαίο και τον περιποιόταν.
Εκείνο το πρωί, όταν οι πειρατές εισέβαλαν στην εκκλησία, η Ζγκουγκίνα ήταν έτοιμη να ξυπνήσει τον Ματθαίο. Από το ανοιχτό παράθυρο στο δωμάτιό του, είδε τους πειρατές να πλησιάζουν όλο και πιο κοντά στο σπίτι. Το σπίτι πλησίαζαν πέντε από αυτούς.
Πλησίαζαν γρήγορα και ήταν οπλισμένοι..
Μόλις τους είδε άρχισε να τρέμει. Είχε παγώσει και δεν ήξερε τι να κάνει, πώς να αντιδράσει. Ήθελε να τρέξει στην πόρτα για να την κλειδώσει, αλλά τα πόδια της δεν το επέτρεπαν.
Οι Πειρατές έφτασαν στην πόρτα της και της έδωσαν δύο γρήγορες κλωτσιές και η πόρτα έπεσε κάτω. Βρήκαν τη Ζγκουγκίνα και το γιο της σφιχτά αγκαλιασμένους από φόβο. Η Ζγκουγκίνα είχε τυλίξει τα χέρια της σφιχτά γύρω από τον Μάθιου κρατώντας τον έτσι κοντά της. ΟΙ Πειρατές άρχισαν να γελούν μαζί της. Ένας από αυτούς άρπαξε τον Μάθιου από την αγκαλιά της θυμωμένα και τον τράβηξε προς το μέρος του.
Ένας από τους πειρατές που περίμενε έξω άρχισε να φωνάζει. Ένας από αυτούς έτρεξε
έξω για να δει τι συνέβαινε. Επέστρεψε μέσα φωνάζοντας και δείχνοντας προς την παραλία.
Ο άντρας που είχε αρπάξει τον Μάθιου προς το μέρος του, τον πέταξε πάνω στους ώμους του και έφυγαν τρέχοντας προς το πλοίο τους.
Η Ζγκουγκίνα έτρεξε πίσω τους, φωνάζοντας και ουρλιάζοντας: «Ματθαίο! Ματθαίο!
Πού πηγαίνετε τον Ματθαίο μου; Δώστε μου πίσω τον Ματθαίο μου!»
Οι πειρατές γελούσαν μαζί της και την κορόιδευαν, προκαλώντας την να τους πιάσει. Όμως η Ζγκουγκίνα όντας ηλικιωμένη καθώς έτρεχε προς τα κάτω από το λόφο σκόνταψε και έπεσε χάμω με τα μούτρα.
Έμεινε εκεί, κοιτάζοντας τους καθώς αυτοί έτρεχαν μακριά. Κοιτούσε το πλοίο που ήταν ακόμα αγκυροβολημένο στο βάθος και τους έβλεπε να φορτώνουν τον Μάθιου σε αυτό.
Παρακολουθούσε το πλοίο να σηκώνει την άγκυρά του, παρακολουθούσε τα κουπιά να κόβουν το νερό σαν κοφτερές λεπίδες, έβλεπε τα πανιά να ανοίγουν και να γεμίζουν με αέρα, και ένιωσε το αίμα να τρέχει στο κεφάλι της.
Καθώς ενιωθε όλο της το σώμα να τρέμει κατέρρευσε στο πάτωμα για άλλη μια φορά, κλαίγοντας και φωνάζοντας. Τότε θυμήθηκε τον Άγιο Δημήτριο και έτρεξε όσο πιο γρήγορα μπορούσε προς την εκκλησία.
Έφτασε στην εκκλησία, με τρεμάμενα πόδια, και έπεσε στα γόνατα μπροστά στο εικόνισμα του Αγίου Δημητρίου, μπροστά από την Αγία Τράπεζα.
«Άγιέ μου Δημήτριε», παρακάλεσε» βοήθησέ με την ώρα αυτή της ανάγκης μου. Βοήθησέ με να πάρω τον γιο μου πίσω και σου ορκίζομαι ότι δεν θα υπάρξει μέρα μέχρι την ημέρα που θα πεθάνω που να μην έχεις κεριά αναμμένα μπροστά στο εικόνισμά σου ».
Η Ζγκουγκίνα προσευχόταν και προσευχόταν. Στα μάτια της άρχισαν να τρέχουν δάκρυα και ξαφνικά άρχισε να βλέπει τα πάντα γύρω της να κινούνται.
Νόμιζε ότι είδε τον Άγιο Δημήτριο να βγαίνει από το εικόνισμά του καβάλα στο άλογό του.
Τον είδε να περνάει από δίπλα της, να βγαίνει από την πόρτα και να κατευθύνεται με
το άλογό του προς το πλοίο. Τότε ήταν που άρχισε να αισθάνεται το κεφάλι της να γυρνάει
και λιποθύμησε.
Όταν συνήλθε, είδε τον Ματθαίο δίπλα της τον αγκάλιασε σφιχτά με μια αγκαλιά γεμάτη μητρική αγάπη.
Στη συνέχεια έστρεψε το βλέμμα της προς την Αγία Τράπεζα. Η εικόνα ήταν ακόμα εκεί, τίποτα δεν είχε αλλάξει.
Τι είχε μόλις συμβεί;
Turkish Version 🇹🇷
Aziz Demetrius’un Sualtı Şapeli
Rivayete göre, bir sabah çok erken saatlerde, yarım ay taşıyan bir bayrakla büyük bir gemi limana yanaştı.
Birçok Türk denizcisi karaya çıktı ve tepede, Aziz Demetrius'un şapelinin bulunduğu küçük kiliseye doğru koştular.
O bölgede sadece 4 balıkçı ailesi yaşıyordu ve bu şapel onlar için büyük bir teselli kaynağıydı.
Korsanların yaklaştığını kimse görmemişti. Tepeyi aştıklarında kilisenin kapısını tekmelediler ve önlerinde gördükleri her şeyi çalmaya başladılar.
Şans eseri, Aziz Demetrius’un tablosu oldukça yüksek bir yere asılmıştı ve ona ulaşamadıkları için orada bıraktılar. Tabloda, Aziz Demetrius güzel bir atın üstünde oturuyor , elinde bir kılıç tutuyordu.
İstedikleri her şeyi aldıktan sonra, geriye kalanları da kırıp döktüler ve gemilerine dönmeye hazırlanıyorlardı.
“Buradan alacak bir şey kalmadı,” dedi içlerinden biri. “Şu küçük eve bakın! Neden oraya gidip ne bulabileceğimize bakmıyoruz?”
Arkadaşları bu teklife hayır demedi ve hep birlikte uzaktaki küçük eve doğru ilerlediler.
O küçük evde Zgugina adında dul bir kadın ve oğlu Matthew yaşıyordu. Zgugina, Matthew'u çok sever ve üzerine titrerdi.
O sabah, korsanlar kiliseyi yağmalarken, Zgugina Matthew'u uyandırmak üzere odasına gitmişti. Matthew'un odasındaki açık pencereden korsanların eve gittikçe yaklaştığını fark etti. Beş kişiydiler ve silahlarla donanmışlardı.
Onları gördüğünde Zgugina titremeye başladı, korkudan olduğu yerde dondu ve ne yapacağını bilemedi. Kapıyı kilitlemek için koşmak istedi, ama bacakları ona itaat etmiyordu.
Korsanlar kapısına ulaşıp iki güçlü tekme attılar ve kapıyı kırdılar. İçeri girdiklerinde Zgugina ve oğlunu korku içinde birbirine sarılmış halde buldular. Zgugina, Matthew'u sıkıca kavramış ve onu korumaya çalışıyordu. Korsanlar ona gülmeye başladılar. İçlerinden biri öfkeyle Matthew'u annesinin kollarından çekip aldı.
Dışarıda bekleyen korsanlardan biri bağırdı. İçlerinden biri dışarı koştu ve ne olduğunu görmek için geri döndüğünde sahili işaret ederek içeri bağırarak girdi.
Matthew'u kaçıran adam, onu omzuna attı ve hızla gemiye doğru koşmaya başladılar.
Zgugina peşlerinden koştu ve bağırarak haykırdı: “Matthew! Matthew! Matthew'umu nereye götürüyorsunuz? Matthew'umu bana geri verin!”
Korsanlar ona gülüyor ve onunla alay ediyorlardı, yakalaması için ona meydan okuyorlardı. Ama Zgugina yaşlıydı ve tepeden aşağı koşarken ayağı takıldı, yüzüstü yere düştü.
Olduğu yerde kalakaldı, korsanların kaçışını izledi. Limanda demirli duran gemiye baktı ve Matthew'un gemiye yüklendiğini gördü.
Geminin demir aldığını, küreklerin suyu yarıp geçtiğini izledi. Yelkenlerin açılıp rüzgarla dolmasını izledi ve kanının başına hücum ettiğini hissetti.
Scene 1: The Pirate Ship
The story starts as the Pirate ship docks at a pier, the pirates are disembarking, and they spot a church upon a hill, and they run to it to loot it.
Instructional Cues
Users can click on the Pirate who spots the church in the distance and instructs the other pirates to follow him to the church.
Scene 2: The Church
The scene takes place inside the Church which the pirates have broken into. The painting of Saint Demetrius is hung up behind the altar. The pirates are stealing whatever they can get their hands on, but they realize that the painting is just out of reach and they have to leave it behind.
Instructional Cues
In this scene, users can interact with the items around the room such as the bag on the altar, in order to take it, the user can also interact with the painting, this leads to the pirate revealing that it is too high and that they are leaving it behind.
Scene 3: The Bedroom Part 1
This scene takes place inside the house of Zgugina, where she is seen in her son’s bedroom, where her son is asleep in bed. She was about to wake up her son, when she saw the pirates in the distance from the window.
Instructional Cues
Users can interact with characters in this scene, which will trigger the next one.
Scene 4: The Bedroom Part 2
The scene occurs in the bedroom, with the pirate now in the bedroom and with Matthew on his shoulder as he is kidnapping him and Zgugina is begging to have him returned to her.
Instructional Cues
Users can interact with the characters in the scene to trigger the next scene.
Scene 5: The Church
The scene takes us back into the church with Zgugina praying before the Painting of Saint Demetrius. She promises that she will keep his candles lit if he returns Matthew to her. Zgugina faints as a figure is seen emerging from the painting.
Instructional Cues
Users can interact with the character to see her promise, interacting with her further sees her fainting and the figure emerging from the painting.
Scene 6: The Ship
The scene takes the user to the ship which has now sailed off with Matthew onboard yelling for help. St. Demetrius then appears, mounted on his horse, running on the sea, he saves Matthew and runs back towards the land.
Instructional Cues
Users can interact with the characters in the scene to rescue Matthew, and help Saint Demetrius.
Scene 7: The Church
The scene takes us back into the church with Zgugina and Matthew is retelling her the story of how he was saved by a man who was riding a horse, he thought that it looked like St. Demetrius but he could not be certain that it was him.
Here are a couple of the resources used to create the AR experience for The Enigmatic Stone. These include 3D models, textures, and animations sourced from Sketchfab, Microsoft Paint 3D Library, and other tools.